Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Run First Program on Visual Basic.net

A recently created project only has one form. This is a raw form, and if you run the project, this form will be the first window of your program. Here are steps to run a program in visual basic.net:
1.   Click on the form, the surrounding of the form will have a thin dotted line. It’s an indication that the form is selected.
2.   The Titlebar of the form contain text “Form1”, “Form2” etc. You can change this by clicking on the form, then find Text properties on properties panel.
3.   You can change this with strings variable you like.
4.   The result, the titlebar will change it’s text.
5.   You can also add an object from toolbox by double click on the object or drag and drop the object to the form.
6.   It will create an object named Button1 and with text Button1.
7.   To change the properties of the button, click on the button and find Text properties on Properties panel.
8.   To change the text, just change the string inside the Text properties. 
9.   You are advised to change the properties of each object. This will make the code more readable. For button, the standard name is Button1 but you can also change it with other text strings.
10. If you change the name, no changes on display will occur, the changes only applied in Properties panel.
11. Text properties will be shown in Design panel, while the Name properties will not changed because name properties won’t appeared on the form.
12. To run the program, click F5 or click Start debugging button on toolbar.
13. The program will run nicely for the first time
14. When the button clicked, nothing happened. It’s because you (the programmer) haven’t inserted a single code to control the action of the click of the button.
visual basic net form run time

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