Saturday, July 30, 2011

Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated

Apakah pernah ada yang mendapatkan pesan error "Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated" pada saat melakukan coding?

Pesan tersebut muncul karena versi PHP yang digunakan merupakan versi PHP 5 ke atas.

Tentunya problem tersebut dapat diatasi dengan men-downgrade versi PHP, tapi itu bukan solusi yang terbaik.

Berikut ada beberapa solusi yang dapat dicoba untuk mengatasi masalah di atas dengan sedikit melakukan editing.

Solusi 1:

- Buka file wp-config.php

- Tambahkan baris perintah " error_reporting(0); " tepat setelah baris pertama " <?php " sehingga menjadi seperti di bawah ini



Solusi 2:

- Buka file wp-settings.php

- Cari kode di bawah ini pada file wp-settings.php

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE);

ganti perintah yang di dalam kurung dengan angka "0", sehingga menjadi seperti di bawah ini


Solusi 3:

- Buka file wp-settings.php seperti cara pertama di atas, kemudian ubah seperti di bawah ini

error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);

Solusi 4:

- Buka file php.ini

- Cari baris "error_reporting"

- Tambahkan titik koma atau semicolon ( ; ) sebelum baris "error_reporting ="

Semoga bermanfaat

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Codeigniter error /public_html/system/core/URI.php on line 141

The solution:
1. Entering the Cpanel

2. then click PHP configuration

3. Set up process .php by php 5.

How to clean your bathroom

Clean bathroom is what everyone wants. Here are some steps to clean your bathroom:
  1. Remove all the items that don't belong in your bathroom. Take all other items out of the bathroom. This includes items that don't belong in the bathroom, such as clothing and remove everything that is standing on the floor.

  2. Pour a bleach or another disinfectant into the toilet bowl. Pour a bleach or another disinfectant into the toilet bowl and put the toilet brush inside the toilet with the actual brush inside the hole. This will help to sanitize the brush and get dirt off it.

  3. Vacuum or sweep the floor. Start by vacuuming the floor or sweeping the floor. Vacuuming is preferred since it will remove all dust and hair. (Alternatively, you can wait until everything else is clean before you vacuum or sweep in order to make sure you get rid of the dust or other bits that fell on the floor while you were cleaning.)

  1. Clean the wall, windows and/or ceiling. If you have mold on the ceiling start with spraying a water bleach solution on it and let it rest for a couple of minutes, do the same with the walls ( if they are tiles) or use another cleaning product. Clean the bathroom window on the in and outside. Go back to the ceiling and start scrubbing you will see that any dirt or mold easily come off. Rinse it carefully to avoid any stripes and dry it with a chamois or old towel. Do the same with the walls.

  2. Spray an anti lime product on the faucets. Be sure to use an appropriate product for it otherwise this could damage them. Test it out on a non-visible spot before you actually use it. Spray the product on any material that is made out of stainless steel. Let it work for a couple of minutes.

  3. Clean the shower. Spray an appropriate cleaning product on the shower walls,and the shower head and let it rest for a couple of minutes. Spray cleansers made especially for getting rid of soap scum work very well on tubs that haven't been cleaned in a while. For hard water areas that are prone to green and rust-colored stains, a cleanser made for eliminating calcium, lime and rust is probably what you need. Never use abrasive cleaners or green abrasive scrub pads or steel wool on porcelain fixtures, as they will quickly dull the finish. While you are waiting do the same with the tub.

    • Go back to the shower and scrub the walls,faucet and shower head, rinse well with the hottest water and or dry with a chamois, you can use the squeegee also to make them dryer. You can shine the faucet with a paper towel or a towel. Do the same thing for the tub.
    • Don't forget the shower curtain; it is also prone to mildew. A solution of about 2/3 water, 1/3 bleach in a spray bottle (designated for this express purpose!) can be handy for getting rid of mildew spots. Or you can take it down and wash it in hot water with a small amount of soap and bleach.
  4. Clean the sink and counter area. You may use whichever cleaning product you used on the tub, but use it sparingly as it is harder to rinse the soap off a counter. Scrub all the soap scum and tooth paste off, rinsing your sponge thoroughly as you go along. A toothbrush or cotton swabs can be handy for getting the junk out from between the tap and handles. Be sure never to clean the sink and counter area with the same rag or paper towel you used to clean the toilet. This can spread leftover disease-causing germs to your sink and counter area. To prevent this you can use a specific rag which you use to clean only the toilet.

    • Wipe off the fronts and tops of cabinets and drawers. You'll probably want to use hot, soapy water for this purpose. If you're worried about germs on these surfaces, add a bit of bleach to your soapy water.
    • Clean the mirror or any other shiny object with a cleaner, rinse it and wipe the excessive water off with a squeegee and a chamois. To add a shine to your mirror add a bit vinegar to the water.
  5. Clean the toilet. Wipe the exterior of the toilet, starting with the flush handle so as not to re-contaminate it, with a cloth soaked in disinfectant cleaner. Don't forget to use a cloth specially assigned for cleaning the toilet, or a paper towel (throw it away, don't flush it). Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush and flush.

    • Every few cleanings, remove stubborn, fouled hard water and other deposits. This common, often inconspicuous odor source can be tricky to remove. Thoroughly wash and rinse all exterior surfaces of the toilet bowl, including the underside and flared base, the top and underside of the seat and lid, and the hinges and their mounting area with a cloth and detergent or similar cleaner. You probably won't have to scrub hard: let the soapy water and patience dissolve the problem. Coat the inside of the bowl with a viscous acidic cleaner generally sold in an angle-necked bottle. Take special care to cover the entire inside edge of the rim; it'll run down toward other areas. Allow the cleaner to soak for half an hour or more before scrubbing the entire bowl including under the rim with a toilet bowl brush, let it soak a little longer after it's been well-distributed though thinned by the initial scrubbing, then scrub some more and flush it away.
  6. Mop or scrub the floor, starting with the farthest point from the door. Hot soapy bleach water will work best. Remember to rinse the floor with clean water to remove slippery soap residue. Be sure to get along the sides of your toilet bowl where it is anchored to the floor. This area is notoriously dirty. Don't forget to clean the base boards or base molds these places usually accumulates a lot of dust.

  7. Dispose of your mop water and throw away any dirty cloths and or sponges.

  8. Place all the items back that you took out once the floor is dry.

8 habits of highly effective people

Life today is very hard, that’s why we need new habits to make us a really different person. Here are some habits of highly effective people:

1. Surround yourself with passionate people. This is the foundation. Most people don’t believe you can do work you love because they’re constantly around people who hate their jobs and don’t know what excites them. This has to change. Those around you have everything to do with your success and your belief of what’s possible. You’ll either rise up or sink down depending on who’s next to you.

Passion is contagious. You must have an environment that embodies it. You need a support crew who believes what you believe. People who dream as big as you or bigger. Not only will they give you ideas but they’ll condition the belief that doing what you love is the norm. They fuel our passion and make the unthinkable possible, even normal. You’ll begin to expect the same of yourself.

It’s crucial to get this right. It’s why Leo and I get out on barefoot runs in San Francisco every week or so and why I’m on a quest to document 1,000 people across the world living their dreams. We all need encouragement.

Look around you. Do the people you see inspire and motivate you? Are they doing epic things? Do they love their work? Learn how to make genuine connections with new people doing interesting things. Check Craig’s List, MeetUp, coffee shop bulletin boards, Chamber of Commerce, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Find people in your own town and online. Befriend them. Make them a part of your life. Get out on adventures together. Schedule a weekly dinner or drinks just to talk about what’s exciting. Environment is everything.

2. Create space. If you don’t give big ideas room, they’ll never show up. Purpose and passion are no different. Lack of space creates pressure – the ultimate killer of creativity. And nothing requires more creative juices than passion. Start small with five minutes each morning. Schedule downtime. Start walking to work instead of taking the bus. Don’t multitask. Get out in nature. Just be, let things flow and see what comes up. Give yourself permission to dream. Passion thrives in emptiness.

3. Help someone in a way only you can. We all have natural strengths and talents that can dramatically help those around us. What comes easy for you is no doubt challenging for others. We tend to take these for granted, often hardly noticing our own gifts, and rarely share them with others. Passion comes from using those on a routine basis. Ask yourself, What do people thank you for? What do people routinely ask for your help with? Most people’s passions help others in one way or another. Perhaps for you it’s knitting, teaching children math, cooking a good meal or leading a yoga class. Devote time each day to sharing your talents.

4. Keep a journal of what inspires and excites you. Let your thoughts run wild. Most importantly, keep a running list of what inspires you. Books, magazines, movies, people, products, music, stories, careers, everything. Most people have a brush with passion almost daily, unfortunately we’re often too busy thinking of our 97-item todo list to take in the education. Anytime something catches your eye or excites you, open up your journal and get it onto paper. Over the years you will have a running story of how you might enjoy spending your time.

5. Challenge the norm. Ask questions. Don’t take things as gospel just because that’s how they’ve always been done. Don’t aimlessly listen to those around you. Question everything you’ve been doing and are about to do, especially if you don’t enjoy it. Is it really what you want? Is it in line with who you are? Perhaps there’s a better way. There often is.

6. Scare yourself – Live outside your comfort zone. Passionate people thrive off uncertainty. If you aren’t doing things that give you a few goose bumps you’re either not learning, dying or bored out of your mind. None of which are good. Do something at least mildly uncomfortable daily. This could be as small as making a phone call or sharing your art with someone. Be vulnerable. There’s a pretty direct correlation between pushing limits and epic living.

7. Find the right reasons. If a passionate person gets fired, they brush it off and get excited about the opportunity the lost job must be presenting. You can’t control what happens but you can control your reaction to it. What challenges have come up today? How could you reframe them? The juiciest possibilities often have the best disguises. Notice them.

8. Learn something new. Become obsessed with learning everything you can find – new skills, approaches, ideas, you name it. If it interests you then it’s important enough to get in your brain. We have to fuel what excites us. Grab a magazine or book that interests you and read a few pages on the way to work or before bed. Passionate people almost always have a book within reach. Ideas can be found anywhere. Start looking. Be a sponge.

9. Start at blog. Surprise, surprise, right? But blogs are much more powerful than most realize. They’re a simple way to explore and share the thoughts and beliefs you’re excited about and for people to immediately see and provide feedback. Don’t worry about whether you’ll make money from it or who will read it. That’s not the point. The point is to constantly fuel something that interests you.