Saturday, November 29, 2008

Booting LInux from external HDD on Eee Pc

Sometimes, it's necessary to be able to boot from external HDD on Laptop eg: Asus Eee Pc 701 or other brands. Most laptops today have more than enough capacity if you just want to browse the Internet, write documents, listen to audios and anything else.
But occassionaly, sometimes we want a little more. The smallest laptop eg the EeePC has at least 4GB, a capacity that was enough to strip down Linux, eg: Fedora.
But if we do so, it will reduce the hard disk capacity. and that's a little bit irritating. As a tricks, you can install Linux Fedora on an external drive instead, and use your fedora from the HDD. With Linux, that's an easy thing.

If you want to know how to install fedora as usual, you may find it here.

For this tutorial, i use:

These are the steps:

  1. Prepare the Fedora DVD.
  2. Connect external HDD and external DVD reader to Eee Pc
  3. Boot from the Fedora 10 DVD.
  4. Click thorugh the setting until you see fedora
  5. You should customize the partition table. Your partition setup should look like this:

sda - Eee Pc internal memory

[directory] - [file system] - [size]

/boot - ext3 - 4GB [min 100MB]

sdb - external HDD

[directory] - [file system] - [size]

/ - ext3 - 10GB

/home - ext3 - [allocate as large as you want]

swap - swap - 1GB

  1. You have to remember to force sda to be the primary partition.
  2. Continue with the installation 
  3. Okay, everything should be fine.

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